Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Jayden's Doctor visit

Today Jayden went to the doctor since he was wheezing so bad he couldn't get a deep enough breath. We found out he once again has an ear infection, yeast infection, bronchitis, and has been put on a breathing machine. Poor guy. He will go back in 2 weeks to see if his ear infection is gone. If not he will be sent to a specialist to have tubes put into his ears. When he was weighed today he weighed 18 pounds 1 ounce. I hope he sleeps better tonight.


Coby & Jill said...

Although having tubes isn't fun... it's only a 15 min. process and we haven't had any issues for almost two years. Ben just recently had an ear infection because one of the tubes already fell out...but the other one is still in there. It was horrible seeing him go through all the ear infections...but, he was completely different after the tubes. :)

James and Lauren said...

im sorry girl. Kaden has chronic asthma and its so sad to see them not breathing well. We were in the ER a few weeks ago for it... sigh...

Jessica said...

So sorry! That is not fun. Hope he gets better quick.

. said...

i wondered where you were, tubes help so much, and i think they fall out on their own, now. im glad they could see for sure what is going on withh im, though :) they are all three almost stnading in the pool pictures, genel.