Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A week in review

Pictures after shots were given

Jarrod weighing in at 15.4 Jayden weighing in at 12.14 and MacKayla weighing in at 12.14

So on Monday we had the opportuinty to be to WIK by 7:00 am. Why do I do this to myself I ask. To have 4 kids and myself ready that early is crazy. We spent 2 hours at WIK and then to Walmart to get groceries. At WIK I was told Taylor is still considered "high risk" even more so then before since he has grown taller but has lost weight. I am to give him a spoonful of peanut butter daily and add butter to everything. Also they said no more letting Taylor exercise with me. On Tuesday I returned my pump. I am no longer pumping. I am still breastfeeding Jayden 2-4 times a day which is very nice for me. I feel like I have a lot more time. Today is the anniversary of us closing escrow on our house. We have now lived here for 4 years. When we bought this house I told Trevor I ould live here for 5 years and then we should move so Trevor has a year to find me something else. (I told him I wouldn't mind staying longer) Also today all the kids had doctors appointments. We found out Jarrod is lactose intolerance therefore they are switching his formula and it should help with him not throwing up so much. Jarrod and MacKayla has lost some weight due to being sick so we now have to go back to the doctors in a month for another check up. The triplets all got shots which they have been a little miserable from. Hopefully they will sleep good tonight since I need a goodnight sleep.


Unknown said...

I am so out of the loop! I had no idea you were buying a new house??? How is everything? I haven't checked blogs in forever and now I am so behind! Catch me up!!

. said...

LOL, 'so trevor has a year to find me something else', haaha, i love you going to come see you, watch...i hope you find your little lacto bebe feels much better on formula :) <33

Celeste said...

It's good to know that Jared had more going on than you thought. He should be a lot happier now. You should have called me I would have helped you get all that done! I hope they get over the after shot owies soon.

The Schmutz Family said...

I love that cute cherries outfit. I bet you would've never thought that you'd have triplets when you bought your house 4 years ago!

queenieweenie said...

what cute picture of your cute baby dolls!